Project Description

myGreece TV Smart TV app for SAMSUNG & LG TVs

With this app, myGreeceTV, the Smart TV user is enabled to “travel” to parts of Greece and get to know the destinations.

For people living abroad, myGreeceTV application for Smart TV, gives them the opportunity to connect and visit Greece  from their living room.

The projected content of myGreeceTV app consists of a collection of informercial videos that can be useful and necessary to the user to learn the history, the natural environment, the sites and beaches etc of travel destinations in Greece.

How Smart Tv works

All Smart TV platforms have one homepage, once they connect to the Internet. Thus, the user is able to access different functions and different apps.

In General SMART TVs, users have the ability to download all available apps both free and commercial. TV manufacturers are constantly trying to transfer and integrate the most popular mobile apps into SMART TVs apps, and thus enriching them with as much material as possible to showcase them as an essential product for future use.

Video Content

Some TV manufacturers offer users of the installed myGreece TV application, the ability to automatically update new features whenever they are available. The content of the smart tv consists of the following:

  • short videos up to 6 minutes in duration with a very specific subject such as a specific region, museum, city, attraction, etc that gives in-depth information for every single matter.
  • English voice-over narrative for better understanding on a global scale
  • Not Branded Videos – All the videos don’t have any commercial branding

Project Details

  • Client

    Viewmax Media

  • Skills

    • Video Production
    • SMART TV App Creation
    • Tizen
    • WebOS
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